Vocabulary Words -Week of 10/21

Vocabulary Words – Week of 10/21

Study hard and be able to apply words.

1. main idea –  A main idea is important information that tells more about the overall idea of a paragraph or section of a text.

2. details – specific details that support the main idea

3.  cause – an event or action that causes something else to happen

BECAUSE THE GIRL WAS COLD (CAUSE), she turned up the heat (effect).

4. effect – An event or action that happened as a result of another event or action.
It answers the question “what happened?”

I was hungry (cause), so I ate (EFFECT).

5. canyon – a valley between cliff walls (often with a stream flowing through it)


Example:  the Grand Canyon

6. coast – area where ocean meets land

7. cliff – a steep wall of rock

8. mesa -a hill with a FLAT top and STEEP sides


9.  gulf – large area of a sea or ocean partially enclosed by land (opposite of a peninsula)


10.  river – a large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another such stream.

Example: Mississippi River

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