Vocabulary Words – Test on 10/11

This Week’s Vocabulary Words 10/7

Posted by  on Sunday, October 6th 2013


Study hard and be able to apply words.

1. heading – a title at the head of a page or section of a book or the main title of a newspaper article

The heading in the newspaper told me the topic of the article.

2. sub heading – a heading given to a subsection of a piece of writing, underneath the main heading

The sub heading that was right under the main heading told me more about the article I was about to read.

3.  illustration – A picture illustrating a book, newspaper, brochure, etc.

When I looked at the illustration, I could visibly see how unhappy the character was.

4. caption – A title, short explanation, or description about an illustration (picture) or a photograph

The caption helped me understand what was occurring in the picture.

5. glossary – a list of words and their meanings (at the back of a book)

I love looking up the meanings of my science words in the textbook’sglossary.

6. timeline – a representation of key events within a particular historical period that is arranged in order (chronologically)

Looking at the timeline, I could learn the major highlights of Dr. King’s life such as when he was born, when he got married, when he delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, and when he was sadly assassinated.

7. index-  alphabetical listing of names, places, and topics along with the numbers of the pages on which they are mentioned or discussed (usually in the back of a book)

To find what page Abe Lincoln was on in my Civil War book, I quickly turned to the index.

8. table of contents –   a list of the parts of a book (located at the FRONT of the book)

9. diagram –  a drawing intended to explain how something works; a drawing showing the relation between the parts

10. key words-   words that can be in color, bolded, italicized, highlighted, or underlined to draw a reader’s attention to those particular words

bolded – love 
underlined – love
italicized – love

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