Vocabulary Words- Week of 9/16-9/20


TEST ON FRIDAY, September 20
Make sure your child can apply the words. These words and definitions are also on Spelling City located on the side of my blog.


Be able to recognize a simile, synonym, antonym, & hyperbole.


1. simile – a comparison between 2 things using “like” or “as”


Examples: She was as cold as an iceberg.   I’m as busy as a bee.  My love is like a red rose.


2. metaphor – a comparison between 2 things NOT using “like” or “as”


Examples: Love is a red rose.   Life is a dream.    The sea is a smooth stone.


3.  synonym –  words that mean the SAME thing


Examples: stroll/walk    draw/sketch    hate/detest    happy/elated    sad/downcast


4. antonym: words that mean the OPPOSITE


Examples: day/night     in/out      hard-working/lazy


5. genre – a category of literature


Examples:  folklore, science fiction, adventure, science fiction, biography, historical fiction


6.  tall tale – an exaggerated and unbelievable tale, told as if it were true


Examples: Pecos Bill, Paul Bunyan, John Henry, & Mike Fink


7. hyperbole – extreme exaggeration (to make something greater or worse than it really is)


Examples: I’ve told you a million times. I have a ton of homework. If I don’t get a puppy, I’ll die.


8..  fable –  a short story with animals as characters that teaches a moral (or lesson)


Examples:  The Ant & the Grasshopper, The Boy Who Cried Wolf,  The Mouse & the Lion


9.  protagonist – the leading character in a story (often considered the hero)


Examples: Luke Skywalker in Star Wars     Harry Potter, Batman, Superman


10.  antagonist – the person who goes against (or opposes) another


Examples: Darth Vader in Star Wars        The Big Bad Wolf in Three Little Pigs

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