Vocabulary Words: Week of September 23-27

Vocabulary Words: Week of September 23-27

Test on Friday, September 27
Make sure your child can apply the words. 

Be able to recognize whether a story is fiction/non-fiction, give a character’s traits, make an inference, find the problem & solution in a story, etc.

1. inference- using the text clues and what you already know to draw a conclusion (reading between the lines)

Example: Susie walks in with a wet umbrella.  I can infer that it’s raining outside.

2. fiction-  books that are made up by the author and are not true (includes beginning, middle, and end)

Examples:                         Diary of a Whimpy Kid       The Wizard of Oz

3.  non-fiction –  books about real events and real people

Examples: The Life of Abraham Lincoln       Civil War diaries        Our 50 Amazing States

4.  character traits –  descriptions of a character’s personality

Examples: caring, courageous, selfish, outgoing, patient, faithful, jealous

5. evidence – something that shows that something exists or is true (can prove or disprove something)

Example:  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a brave man   Evidence: He stood up for what he believed in, even though he knew it could be dangerous.

6. problem – a source of difficulty (trouble)

7. solution – a way to solve the problem

Examples:  (Problem) I don’t have enough time to get all my schoolwork done in the evenings.

(Solution) Time management, less TV, don’t be involved in so many activities, etc.

8. continent– any of the world’s main areas of land

Examples: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Antarctica, Australia,

9.  cardinal directions – 4 main directions

Examples: north, south, east, west

10. intermediate directions – directions between the 4 main directions

Examples:  northeast,  northwest,  southeast,  southwest

Spelling Test This Thursday!

Students were given this spelling list last week. The test will take place this Thursday, September 26. Retakes will be on Friday, if necessary (highest grade earned on retakes is a 70).

Children can turn in the SPELLING MENU activities for extra credit before or on Wednesday, September 25 for 5 extra credit points. They need to complete 4 of the Spelling Menu activities to earn the extra points.

Check out Spelling City on my blog for fun ways to practice. GOOD LUCK!

  1. I’m feeling tired, may I lay down?
  2. Is that dog real or fake?
  3. As you walk through the nature center, please stay on the trail.
  4. That candy is too sweet for me.
  5. “Hurry John, I’m ready to leave!”
  6. The girl was afraid to walk down the long dark hallway.
  7. I had a dream last night that I went swimming with whales!
  8. Treat others the the same way you want to be treated.
  9. A cheetah can reach a speed of 60 miles per hour.
  10. What type of bait do I need to catch catfish?
  11. The man at the grocery store was nice enough to load the groceries in my car.
  12. Please hold the door open for us.
  13. “Mom, my throat hurts really bad.”
  14. Is doesn’t hurt when you throw that foam ball at me.
  15. The beautiful yellow flower stood tall in the field.
  16. “Close the window Laura, it’s raining!”
  17. Jan almost won the race against her brother.
  18. told Angela not to leave the door open or the cat would get out.
  19. Mike loved his new glow in the dark stickers.
  20. Peter Pan always struggled to catch his shadow.

Coins for Cancer Campaign This Week

In August, Dinah Morgan, our children’s math & science teacher, was diagnosed with cancer. She has already undergone two surgeries and is working with her doctors to make plans for the next steps. White Oak Elementary would like to support this family by having a “Coins for Cancer” Campaign. The campaign will begin this Monday and run the entire week of September 23-27. Students may bring any spare change, or any amount of donations, during the designated week. Each day the money will be collected in each classroom and stored in the office vault. On Friday, the funds will be counted and we will post the total amount collected for this family.

While we are collecting coins, students will be encouraged to follow a daily theme, much like the upcoming “Red Ribbon Week”. Daily themes are:

  • Monday – Crazy Socks Day – Students may wear crazy socks.
  • Tuesday – Hat Day – Students may wear hats to school.
  • Wednesday – Crazy Hair Day – Student may wear their hair in a crazy fashion.
  • Thursday – Rock Out Cancer Day – Students may wear Rock N’ Roll themed clothes. (These must remain in compliance with the Dress Code.)
  • Friday – School Spirit Day – Students may paint their faces with White Oak colors.

This campaign and/or the daily themed activities are NOT mandatory. If you are not able to donate, please keep this family in your thoughts.

Vocabulary Words- Week of 9/16-9/20


TEST ON FRIDAY, September 20
Make sure your child can apply the words. These words and definitions are also on Spelling City located on the side of my blog.


Be able to recognize a simile, synonym, antonym, & hyperbole.


1. simile – a comparison between 2 things using “like” or “as”


Examples: She was as cold as an iceberg.   I’m as busy as a bee.  My love is like a red rose.


2. metaphor – a comparison between 2 things NOT using “like” or “as”


Examples: Love is a red rose.   Life is a dream.    The sea is a smooth stone.


3.  synonym –  words that mean the SAME thing


Examples: stroll/walk    draw/sketch    hate/detest    happy/elated    sad/downcast


4. antonym: words that mean the OPPOSITE


Examples: day/night     in/out      hard-working/lazy


5. genre – a category of literature


Examples:  folklore, science fiction, adventure, science fiction, biography, historical fiction


6.  tall tale – an exaggerated and unbelievable tale, told as if it were true


Examples: Pecos Bill, Paul Bunyan, John Henry, & Mike Fink


7. hyperbole – extreme exaggeration (to make something greater or worse than it really is)


Examples: I’ve told you a million times. I have a ton of homework. If I don’t get a puppy, I’ll die.


8..  fable –  a short story with animals as characters that teaches a moral (or lesson)


Examples:  The Ant & the Grasshopper, The Boy Who Cried Wolf,  The Mouse & the Lion


9.  protagonist – the leading character in a story (often considered the hero)


Examples: Luke Skywalker in Star Wars     Harry Potter, Batman, Superman


10.  antagonist – the person who goes against (or opposes) another


Examples: Darth Vader in Star Wars        The Big Bad Wolf in Three Little Pigs

Spelling Words – Week of 9/16-9/20

Your child will receive their spelling list (20 words) tomorrow (spelling words are in BOLD and context below). Test will take place NEXT Thursday (September 26). Spelling tests will occur every other week. If your child doesn’t pass the test, they will have an opportunity to retake the test (with the highest grade being a 70).

Check out Spelling City on my blog for fun ways to practice. Also the Spelling Menu will be sent home tomorrow. Students have until the day of the test to complete 4 activities for 5 points extra credit.


  1. I’m feeling tired, may I lay down?
  2. Is that dog real or fake?
  3. As you walk through the nature center, please stay on the trail.
  4. That candy is too sweet for me.
  5. “Hurry John, I’m ready to leave!”
  6. The girl was afraid to walk down the long dark hallway.
  7. I had a dream last night that I went swimming with whales!
  8. Treat others the the same way you want to be treated.
  9. A cheetah can reach a speed of 60 miles per hour.
  10. What type of bait do I need to catch catfish?
  11. The man at the grocery store was nice enough to load the groceries in my car.
  12. Please hold the door open for us.
  13. “Mom, my throat hurts really bad.”
  14. Is doesn’t hurt when you throw that foam ball at me.
  15. The beautiful yellow flower stood tall in the field.
  16. “Close the window Laura, it’s raining!”
  17. Jan almost won the race against her brother.
  18. told Angela not to leave the door open or the cat would get out.
  19. Mike loved his new glow in the dark stickers.
  20. Peter Pan always struggled to catch his shadow.